Saturday, 9 July 2011


Salam sume..
Hmm,,for a long time i didn’t write.but today,i wanna share sumthin.i do felt so frustrated.i cant answered the PHYSIC test very well dis morning.i cried for a about an hour on my bed right after i got back to my room.felt so helpless.act,i’ve read and study very hard.and yet it is so hard for other friends also felt the same BUT i just cant hide my emotions.i cant hold my TEARS from rolling out.i’m disappoint with myself.right now,i’m so DOWN:( i felt like talking to someone.who’s willing to listen to me.DECIDE to call Farhana,my bestie.but instead of talking to her.i cried.n yeah she’s worried of me.because i’m crying.she don’t know what is my prob is.i’m a weak girl.always cry for no such concrete reason.

of saddness & disappoinment
At last, we just texting.she adviced me to stay calm n promise to meet me during this mid sem break.i felt better after texting her.i know i can rely on her.she’s always there for me.listen without  judging and give me the best advice:D
I cried because i don’t want to disappoint my parents.who always put a high hope on me.i wanna make them proud of me.but i don’t know if i’m afford to.Dear God,help me.Help me to be a better girl.they didn’t know that i cried over my PHYSIC test.i dun wanna let them know.they always see me as a tough fact,i’m just a weak girl.
P/S:Semoga saye cukup kuat & tabah utk menempuh dugaan yg mendatang.Sebab saye percaya Allah x akan bg dugaan di luar kemampuan hamba-Nya.